Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Get a pillow- you may fall asleep while reading

It has been a while since I posted for various reasons. We have been busy and sick, and exhausted from both of those conditions. Exhaustion leaves me wholly uninspired to write.

There have been funny things my kids have said that I wanted to post, like, "Where in the world is the Snow White dress?" and "That is the scariest thing I have seen in all my life." But now that I write them, they don't seem that funny. You have to imagine little three year old voices saying those things out of nowhere. One other funny thing Carter said when she was going through alphabet sounds, she said "A- A for aa aa appetite." She does come from two parents with healthy appetites, but I don't know where she came up with that. I thought that was so funny when she said that.

My girls are doing all sorts of new things all on their own. They are writing letters of the alphabet- even though they refuse to let me show them how to do it. They just try it on their own, out of my sight and if they make something that resembles a letter, they come and show me and I get more excited than I probably should. They are also drawing with much more coordination and detail. It is so neat to see their art actually looking like something recognizable.

They still isolate themselves. They like to do whatever everyone else is not doing. We have Monday playdates with their classmates at the park and all the other kids play together and mine play with each other far away from the rest of the group. It makes it hard for me to get to talk to the other parents and it makes it hard for them to make friends with the other kids. I am trying not to let this bother me, but I am also hesitant to sign them up for classes and group activities because they never want to do what a group is doing. I want to expose them to new things, but it is difficult. I don't want their isolationist tendencies to hamper their social development. How's that for inventing things to worry about?

The place we are trying to buy passed inspections and we have removed the contingencies from the offer. It looks like it's really going to happen. I am having a hard time sleeping thinking of all the clutter that needs to be gone through and thinned out. With the sicknesses and all our activities nothing seems to be getting done except the creation of a lot of piles that only serve to stress me out. I am trying to do a little each day. Thank goodness we don't move in until after March 16!

Two friends of mine had their babies. Marci and Darren welcomed Hannah and Stephanie and Scott and Annika and Alexis welcomed Soren. It is so exciting to have new babies in the world. I can't wait to hold them and sniff their precious heads.

That's all for now- I need to attack a pile while my girls and my ill husband are napping.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could be there to help you pack! I'm a whiz now.
