Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Up and Down

Today is a down day after so many up days in a row. I am really tired. I have so much I want to do but I can't drag myself to do any of it. I feel really big and really stretched today. Uncomfortable. I am so grateful that my husband has been here to do some of the work. And I am so grateful for my sister who has come over the last two days- on her own- to help me with the bedtime routine. David leaves tomorrow for 13 days. It's the last long road trip, but I hope I feel better than this while he is gone. I am amazed that some days I feel so tired and big and some days I feel really good and like it is all very manageable. Today I just wanted to be in bed all day. I have a meeting and a few errands tomorrow so I hope I can rally and feel lots better.

Today is Claire's 27th birthday. Happy Birthday Claire! I love you so!

I overheard the girls talking today. Something about marrying each other. Carter said, but I can't marry you because I have to marry my husband. Katie said, but that's okay, I will still always love you.

I opened a package of newborn diapers yesterday to have them set up in the nursery. This is all very unsuperstitious of me... The diapers were so tiny I almost started crying. I can't believe my girls were ever that small. I can't believe this baby will be that small either! I need to take a comparison pic of the NB diapers next to the girls' pullups. Like two totally different items.

Even if I am tired and uncomfortable. I am really happy and excited about what's to come.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a blog! Now I can really keep up with your life. It must be weird carrying a baby to full term eh? I'm waiting for that process and curious about what your decision was about giving birth? I am pretty sure I can't justify a cs so natural it is...sigh.
